We reformed in December 1980 after a break of 15 years. Our aim was 'to bring live theatre to the town and to give young children their first experience of live theatre’.
One of the first plays we performed was Blythe Spirit by Jack Turnbull, who was the father of Martin Turnbull of Harts. Two of our life members Parma Jacobs and her husband John Jacobs met at this play.
We held a jumble sale to raise funds to put on our first production of A Mixed Bag Revue in May 1981, directed by founding member John Byatt. The play was held in the Corn Exchange which is now the Library.
The Town Hall had held two pantomimes by the Exchange Players in an effort to rejuvenate pantomime in the town. We then took over this mantle and our first pantomime in 1986 was Mother Bumphrey’s Amazing Adventure written by John Brooker. Children in town were asked to design a poster with a robot which was then recreated and used in the pantomime.
We performed in many festivals in the Sawston and Cambridge areas and won many awards. We won 2nd prize performing After Midnight, Before Dawn, out of 20 groups in 1983.
We are a family, of all ages, with members taking on active roles directing, producing, performing, set designing/building, creating props, providing choreography and assisting backstage and front of house.
The committee is run by people from all walks of life, who give many hours of their own time throughout the year.
We like to welcome new members, so please contact us by using the Contact form to ask for details.